“You must be prepared.” –Matthew 24:44

Mass Readings: August 25
First: 1 Corinthians 1:1-9; Resp: Psalm 145:2-7; Gospel: Matthew 24:42-51

Jesus warns us to be prepared for His final coming and the end of the world. In fact, we must be always prepared since we “cannot know the day” our Lord is coming (Mt 24:42).

Jesus describes our preparations in four ways:

  1. working to give food to those in need (Mt 24:45-46). While this can refer to feeding people physically (see Mt 25:35), Jesus is probably referring to dispensing the spiritual food of God’s Word (see Mt 4:4) by our witnessing, preaching, and teaching. Dispensing food is sharing our faith and sharing the Word.
  2. getting to know Jesus personally (see Mt 25:12). Only by the anointing and the oil (see Mt 25:4) of the Spirit can we deeply know Jesus as Lord (see 1 Cor 12:3).
  3. being a good and faithful steward of all the possessions, time, energy, opportunities, talents, gifts, etc. which the Lord has assigned us to manage (Mt 25:21).
  4. expressing our faith in Jesus by good works, especially for the poor (see Mt 25:35-40).

Preparing for Jesus’ final coming is not to be a last-minute preparation but the heart and focus of our whole lives.

PRAYER: Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!

PROMISE: “You lack no spiritual gift as you wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. He will strengthen you to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus.” –1 Cor 1:7-8

PRAISE: St. Louis promoted knowing Jesus personally by starting perpetual adoration. He put his earthly kingship in the service of the King of Kings.

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