“No ear has ever heard, no eye ever seen, any God but You doing such deeds for those who wait for Him.” –Isaiah 64:3

We should take Advent as seriously as a new mother takes her pregnancy. The Christmas season is not merely a memory, celebration, or blessing, but a new, extremely important encounter with the incarnate Jesus. St. Charles Borromeo taught: “This holy season (Advent) teaches us that Christ’s coming was not only for the benefit of His contemporaries; His power has still to be communicated to us” (from Office of Readings, Monday of the first week of Advent). Christmas will be an exceptional grace or an opportunity sadly missed.

Therefore, our Advent preparation for Christmas is very important for God’s kingdom, the Church, the world, the future, our families, and ourselves. “Our hearts should be as much prepared for this coming of Christ (Christmas) as if He were still to come into this world” (St. Charles Borromeo). Moreover, if we are not prepared for Christ’s unique Christmas coming this year, we are not prepared for His coming at the end of the world.

Consequently, “be constantly on the watch! Stay awake! You do not know when the appointed time will come” (Mk 13:33). “Wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor 1:7). Make this the best Advent ever, preparing for Christ’s greatest Christmas coming of your life.

PRAYER: Father, make this Advent more than we can ever ask for or imagine (Eph 3:20).
PROMISE: “Would that You might meet us doing right, that we were mindful of You in our ways!” –Is 64:4
PRAISE: Praise You, risen Jesus, Emmanuel, “God with us!” You became flesh and dwelt among us. Praise You for letting us see Your glory (Jn 1:14).


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