“Anyone who loves Me will be true to My word.” —John 14:23

We may think we love Jesus. So we look at a beautiful sunset, raise our voice to the heavens and say, “I love You, Jesus.” But then we proceed to spend the rest of the night in behavior which offends the mercy and holiness of God. If we want to love someone, it is best not to make assumptions, but to learn from the beloved how they wish to be loved. Would such behavior be the way Jesus wishes to be loved?

It’s best to learn from Jesus Himself how He wants to be loved. In today’s Eucharistic readings, Jesus tells us clearly how He wants to be loved. If we obey the commands we have from Him, then we love Him (Jn 14:21). “Anyone who loves Me will be true to My word” (Jn 14:23). Thus, to love Him, we must spend the time it takes to truly know His Word. Otherwise, we may think we are loving Jesus but in effect we are repeatedly giving Him what He doesn’t want.

There are many other ways in the Word of God in which the Lord tells us how He wishes to be loved and served (see Mt 20:25-26). Read His Word. Show Jesus that you love Him — in the manner He has revealed that He desires to be loved.

PRAYER: Father, break through my pride to make me docile to the Holy Spirit.
PROMISE: “There was a man who was lame from birth; Paul looked directly at him and saw that he had the faith to be saved. He called out to him in a loud voice, ‘Stand up! On your feet!’ The man jumped up and began to walk around.” –Acts 14:8-10
PRAISE: St. Bernardine of Siena, an orphan, was raised by a pious aunt.

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