Category: Jesus-MyGreatMaster

A Father’s Prayer

O God, help me to be true to the great privilege and the great responsibility which you have given me. Help me to be an example and friend to my children, and a real partner to my wife. Don’t let me get so busy with work and with outside things that I am almost a stranger in my own house, and that I take no interest in household things. Don’t let me take all that is done for me for granted, and help me to keep love alive within the home. Keep me from habits which make the work of...

Set God Before You

David was the youngest son and he was tending the sheep of his father but God chose him to be the king instead of Soul. God sends Samuel to anoint the one he has chosen but when Samuel saw Eliab, he thought, “Surely the Lord’s anointed was on Eliab.” But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” Lord chose David because he set the Lord...

A Prayer for Birthday

O, God, I thank You for giving me another year of life. I thank You for all the people who have remembered me today, and who have sent me cards, and letters, and good wishes, and presents. I think You for everything which I have been able to do by You. I thank You for all the experiences of the past year; For times of success which will always be happy memories; For times of success failure which reminded me of my need of You; For times of joy when the sun was shining; For times of sorrow which drove...

This or That

One day a mother took her little son to a toy shop. There were variety of toys and among that a beautiful red car impressed the little boy, he picked that and told his mother that he liked that. Then he came across another car which looked nice than that  so he said,” mom I think this looks better than that and dropped the red car, then he came across another car which impressed him, again he said, “mom this looks nice than that, so I take this. As each toy impressed him in different ways, he continued to drop...

Workplace Prayer

Loving Heavenly Father! Today is a busy day for me, but knew I needed to stop and talk to You before rushing into my day. Forgive me for being to aggressive at times and rushing into projects that I never brought to You in prayer. I’ve done so many stupid things and made some wrong decisions, yet You have kept Your hand upon me. I’m so thankful for that. Now purge my agenda today. Take out of my life those who break my focus off Your assignments. Bring into my life those who grow Your dream within me. Protect me....