Category: Jesus-MyGreatMaster

Prayer to bear a Child

Loving Heavenly Father, I am in great agony. Lord, look upon my sorrow and answer my prayer and give me a child.” It is written that you make the barren woman abide in the house as a joyful mother of children .Fulfill that in my life. I could not hear people talking about me. Where can I go and ask Lord except you. You answered the cries of Hannah and blessed her with a son. Hear my prayer too. My heartaches when I see other children. I am worn out from groaning; all night long I flood my bed with...

Examination Prayer

Loving heavenly father, All these days I have conceited with pride depending on my own effort and confidence. Please pardon me and shower your mercy upon me O Lord. Lord it is written “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” So, Lord I ask you to give me wisdom. I have prepared with all my ability but sometimes I forget all that I have studied. Give me the wisdom and memory power and help me to answer the questions clearly. Lord, give me good...

Do Not Fear

In the afternoon sony got sick. Her whole body seemed to be hurting, arms and legs were heavy as lead and behind her eyes there was a very unpleasant pressure. She couldn’t be bothered to move, she felt paralysed. The doctor was called. He said he would come as soon as possible. Maybe I have cancer, she thought, or leukemia or tuberculosis. If it is so they will give me lots of milk to drink and wrap me in lots of blankets and make me lie in a deckchair in the sun – if the sun is shining. And to...

Temple of God

Once there was a spiritual tour. People moved into a new place with their chief. Each family was allocated a certain part of the camp to look after. They would set up their teepee or teepees. They would construct their own fire for cooking. They would have to care for the entire area under their control. Robert’s family was very clean and tidy. They would always be first at the river for morning ablutions. There would never be loose stones lying around their teepee. Their drying plants would be arranged in tidy rows, hanging on ropes. Their teepee would never be...

Darkness to Light

An old man and his son were traveling in a train. The son was about 25 years old. The young man was obviously overjoyed and was enjoying the journey with great curiosity, observing every scene through the window with excitement and reporting everything to his father with enthusiasm. The father smiled and admired his son’s feelings with great interest and involvement. Passengers sitting opposite were surprised of the young man behaving like a small child and assumed that he was insane or mentally retarded. The behavior of the young man irritated them as it continued. Losing patience the passengers asked...