“Can you drink the cup I shall drink or be baptized in the same bath of pain as I?” –Mark 10:38

The first time Jesus brought up the subject of the cross, He was reprimanded by Peter (Mk 8:32). In response, Jesus rebuked Peter: “Get out of My sight, you satan! You are not judging by God’s standards but by man’s!” (Mk 8:33)

After Jesus’ Transfiguration, He tried again to communicate with the apostles about the cross. However, “they failed to understand His words” and “were afraid to question Him” (Mk 9:32).

For the third time, Jesus said: “The Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and the scribes. They will condemn Him to death and hand Him over to the Gentiles, who will mock Him and spit at Him, flog Him, and finally kill Him. But three days later He will rise” (Mk 10:33-34). Once again, the apostles missed the point. James and John were busy positioning themselves for a promotion (Mk 10:37), and the other apostles were upset with James and John.

Have things changed much? Is the cross still “rendered void of its meaning”? (1 Cor 1:17) Have we ever heard the message of the cross, or do we merely make the sign of the cross and use the cross for ornamentation? A tell-tale sign of hearing the message of the cross is our attitude towards other people. If we come to serve them rather than to be served by them (Mk 10:45), we have probably taken to heart the message of the cross. If we serve even to the point of laying down our lives for each other (see 1 Jn 3:16), we have heard the message of crucified love.

Jesus continues to talk about the cross: “Let him who has ears to hear Me, hear!” (Mk 4:9)

PRAYER: Father, “may I never boast of anything but the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ!” (Gal 6:14)

PROMISE: “Let Your prophets be proved true.” –Sir 36:15

PRAISE: St. Augustine wisely Christianized the pagan English culture by substituting martyrs’ feasts in place of pagan festivals.

O God, who by the preaching of the Bishop Saint Augustine of Canterbury led the English peoples to the Gospel, grant, we pray, that the fruits of his labors may remain ever abundant in your Church. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

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