” ‘Peace’ is My farewell to you, My peace is My gift to you.” —John 14:27

Peace is what Jesus left us in His last will and testament. Because of this, peace has a special significance for those who love Jesus. Peace is the binding force which unifies the Church, marriages, and families (Eph 4:3). Peace is the guard of our hearts and minds (Phil 4:7). Without peace, we will be subject to heart-failure and mind-games. Without peace, our God-given relationships begin to unravel and society begins to disintegrate.

Zeal to propagate the Gospel of peace is our footgear and part of our spiritual armor (Eph 6:15). Without zeal to proclaim peace, the beautiful feet (Is 52:7) of Christians remain unprotected. Under these circumstances, we leave ourselves wide open for Satan to bind our feet, and in that state we will no longer be free to go to the nations with the Good News of Jesus.

Peace is the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22). Jesus, God Himself, is Peace (Eph 2:14). Therefore, pray for peace, make peace (Mt 5:9), and adore Jesus, our Peace.

PRAYER: “Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.”
PROMISE: “We must undergo many trials if we are to enter into the reign of God.” –Acts 14:22
PRAISE: Sts. Nereus and Achilleus were soldiers of the Roman army. They became Christians and, shortly after being baptized, were martyred.

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