Tagged: Bible Reading & Meditation


“Whoever tries to preserve his life will lose it; whoever loses it will keep it.” –Luke 17:33 On the last day many people will be totally “out of it,” meaning reality, because they are now totally “in it,” meaning the world. To be worldly is to be out of touch with reality. The worldly act as if this earthly life is all there is. That’s a devastating omission. When Jesus comes, planet earth burns (2 Pt 3:7), and Judgment Day is here. The worldly will be buying a pack of cigarettes or looking at their handheld electronic devices. They will...


“A time will come when you will long to see one day of the Son of Man but will not see it.” –Luke 17:22 Today we’re able to spend the day with Jesus without too many obstacles. Today we can read God’s Word and receive Communion. We can spend time with other Christians and freely tell the Good News of Jesus to whomever He sends us. We can work “while it is day. The night comes on when no one can work” (Jn 9:4). Let’s appreciate today and “make the most of the present opportunity” (Eph 5:16). For there will...


“He threw himself on his face at the feet of Jesus and spoke His praises. This man was a Samaritan.” –Luke 17:16 Earlier in His public ministry, Jesus healed a leper instantly by touching him (Lk 5:12-14). Then he told the healed leper to go show himself to the priest. The leper failed to do that. In today’s Gospel, instead of immediately healing the ten lepers, Jesus tells them to show themselves to the priests first. He does not immediately heal them. “On their way there they were cured” (Lk 17:14). The priest, by declaring the lepers clean, integrated the...


“Zeal for Your house consumes Me.” –John 2:17 Today throughout the world we celebrate the Church, and especially Jesus, the Founder and Head of the Church. Today we celebrate the unity of the Church, her authority in Christ (Mt 16:19), and Jesus’ special presence in the Church. Jesus is present in the Church universal, for He is her Head (Col 1:18). He is present in the small communities of the Church, for He has promised to be with us in a special way where two or three gather in unity in His name (Mt 18:20). Jesus is present in the...


“Into a soul that plots evil wisdom enters not, nor dwells she in a body under debt of sin.” –Wisdom 1:4 If we wish to be close to God and to keep the faith rather than lose it, we must: not test God (Wis 1:2). God has already proved Himself on the cross and in millions of other ways. We need to be tested, not Him. not disbelieve God (Wis 1:2). Some doubts are steps toward faith, but others are a refusal to accept the gift of faith. These doubts must be dismissed, not entertained. repent of making perverse and...