Tagged: Daily Prayer Intentiion

Today, we pray for our enemies

Lord Jesus, You taught us a valuable lesson about loving those who hate us. We now pray for each person whom we have harmed and who has harmed us in any way. Sweet Jesus, let Your healing and love flow. Let peace be established. May Your children stop hurting each other through their thoughts, words and deeds. Bless each one of our enemies mightily today. Amen.

Today, we pray for everyone who has ever asked us for prayers

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You people who have requested our prayer support. The friend, the member of the family, the acquaintance, the colleague, the neighbour and the stranger – we bring them all to the foot of Your cross today, seeking that Your mighty Holy Spirit will touch them, heal their hearts and refresh their spirits. Answer their needs today, whatever they may be, Oh Jesus. May no prayer ever return unanswered. Bless them and their own. Thank You for giving us an opportunity to intercede for them. Amen.

Today, we pray for the fight against terrorism

Lord Jesus, we pray for terrorism to end. May Your Holy Spirit touch the hearts and hands of men and women who have chosen terrorism as the way to win their battles. Lord, show them that no agenda that’s against love will ever win. We pray and bless the families and friends of the victims of terrorist attacks. Heal our world, sweet Jesus, with Your mighty touch of love. Amen.c