Tagged: moral story

Down Life’s Path

Down Life’s Path Many go down life’s path with lofty plans To amass a great fortune of houses and lands And to live a life of pleasure and ease, Thinking happiness can be found in these. Others pursue power and worldwide fame To be known by all and win their acclaim. But those without God who attain these goals Soon find emptiness remains in their souls. They could not find true happiness For life’s void cannot be filled with this. If only they realized this will not last Since life is fleeting and will soon be past. Wealth, worldly pleasure,...

Resist the Blame Game

Resist the Blame Game I once heard a story of a 40-year-old woman who was jogging in a U. S. state park when she was attacked and killed by a mountain lion. Her family immediately filed suit against the state because of its “failure to manage the mountain lion population” and because it didn’t “react to reports of cougar activity in the area by posting warning signs.” But an interesting thing happened. Her distraught husband felt it was wrong to blame the state or anyone else for his wife’s death, even though he stood to possibly win a small fortune....

The Wisdom of Children

The Wisdom of Children You can’t fool the kids in Sunday school, they are way too smart… “If I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale, and gave all my money to the church, would I get into heaven?” I asked the children in my Sunday school class. “NO!” all the children answered. “If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the yard, and kept everything neat and tidy, would I get into heaven?” Again the answer was “NO!” “Well,” I continued,”then how can I get to heaven?” A five-year-old boy shouted,”You gotta be dead!”

In Gratitude

In Gratitude Lord, I am grateful for sins forgiven, for every blessing bestowed, for all the chances you give me, and for seeds of faith that were sowed. I thank you for Godly people. I see you in their eyes. They give me hope for the future. Let me learn from them and be wise. Bless those in need of mercy. Bless those who give from the heart. Grant comfort to those long forgotten. Help them to make a new start. Teach us to care for the hurting in body, in spirit and mind. Make us a better people; teach...

Worthless or Priceless

Worthless or Priceless I was driving my son to the sheltered workshop for the handicapped where he works a few days each week. My seventeen year old car was cruising along while the Spring sun shined down. The trees were budding and flowers were popping up along the side of the road. I looked over at my son who was humming along to a song on the radio. He turned his head, smiled and said, ” I love you Daddy.” I smiled back and said, “I love you too son.” The green light ahead turned yellow and I slowed to...