“Make every effort to preserve the unity.” –Ephesians 4:3

From prison, St. Paul pleaded with his Christian brothers and sisters to “live a life worthy” of their calling (Eph 4:1). This meant being humble, meek, long-suffering, and lovingly forbearing (Eph 4:2). This radically different way of life was necessary to preserve and deepen the early Church’s unity in the Spirit (Eph 4:3). The priority was unity in the body, unity in the Spirit, and unity in hope; unity in the Lord, faith, and baptism, and unity in the God and Father of all (Eph 4:4-6). This sevenfold unity is still necessary for our lives to be worthy of our calling by the Lord.

Jesus is continuing to pray that we be one as He and the Father are one (Jn 17:21). Despite centuries of disunity among the various Christian denominations; despite millions of people not living their marriage vows or living together without making marriage vows; despite an almost total disregard for a practical living out of our baptismal brotherhood and sisterhood; despite the utter divisiveness and disunity of sin, the Lord will never change (see Mal 3:6; Heb 13:8). He wants us in unity with Him and with each other. We must be united even if we have to die for it, because He already has died for it (Jn 11:51-52).

Repent! Live a worthy, humble life of unity.

PRAYER: Father, give me Your heart for the unity of all Christians.
PROMISE: “There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, Who is over all, and works through all, and is in all.” –Eph 4:5-6
PRAISE: Have you ever been drawn to an exceptional preacher? St. John lived during a time of religious apathy, yet defied the odds by attracting tens of thousands of listeners to his sermons. He and twelve of his fellow Franciscans were instrumental in the renewal of a dying faith in Central Europe.

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